Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Wow..what a good Christmas. Had Mom (my Mom), Jordan(my 13yo daughter), Jerry/J2 (bfriend who is the bomb) and Ben(J2's sweet 21yr old son) over Christmas morning. Both J2 and Ben had to work Christmas afternoon.. so this worked best with everyone. And besides, brunch is WAY easier on me than a full fledged Christmas dinner. It is all about me you know. So.. they all got here about 8AM, we ate, we opened presents. And OHMYGAWD-A J2 got me a Garmin 405CX. Is that not the most awesome thing EVER?!! Not only did i have my loved ones near and dear and close to me til about 1pm when they blissfully left and i was ALONE to play w/my new GARMIN! And, to make things even better.. my jogging bud and i met up and did 6.45 miles and my GARMIN worked awesome.. how cool is that. AND avg pace was about 10:42 if i remember correctly. TAKE THAT... FAT GIRLS CAN RUN!!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Fun Week

OMG just realized that i had myself listed as a man.. hee hehe.. that must have been confusing!
Started my new job on Monday.. it's been a GREAT week. Learned so much and met a lot of nice co-workers. My office mate dropped the eff bomb on Wednesday... i thot we'd get a long beforehand but that just cemented the deal. Having so much fun!
Did much better jogging this week compared to last week. Jeez, literaly took a week off -- just worked out that way w/the weather. crappy! I either walked or jogged every single day except Wednesday so I'm happy w/that. Really trying to eat less, but this new job will be challenging - people are always bringing food for us. DEVILS!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Here.. I have another pad for you..

No guy wants to hear that from a nurse!
Poor sweetie J2 (yea, that's another story) had a coloscopy AND a butt procedure today. So, he's coming to, chilling out in the bed in his hot hospital gown and says.. "uh,,, i think i'm oozing blood or pooped a little"!  Gotta love it.. well it was something cuz he got a new pad after he went potty. Sweet.
Got him home.. hopped up on lortab and went to work. Sadly he is more sore and in more pain than he expected. Poor baby.
But hey, this shit (haha, that was funny) is supposed to be about my fat ass jogging. Well this week was a bust. SUPER busy @ work -- last week before my new job on MONDAY -- so working out didn't work out. Had a 4 mile run last week that I ran in 30:something. That was SWEET.. anything under 10 min a mile rocks for this fat girl.  Nothing on Sunday.. or Monday.. or Tuesday. It was so freakin cold and i just really wasnt that motivated. Screw it. Wednesday while Jordan (kid) had youth group, i went to the gym and did a mile (1) (wow) on the treadmill,,, then did weights. Felt good, but really that's not much running!! Thurs nite walked w/ my pregger friend (old jogging partner) and tonite NOTHING. So, tomorrow run w/ new jogging partner will be challenging to say the least. We'll prob go at least 7.. but man that may not be fun. I'll let ya know how that goes!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

in the beginning

So.. I get this hairy idea i should start a blog. For several reasons - some people think i'm funny, i have a lot to say, some of what i say may be funny. Ok, bear with me.
In the near future we will cover obvious things like:
1) Fat Girls Running -- yes it happens. It happens that i'm one of them. OK, maybe not fat, but overweight. And i'm okay with that most of the time. Perhaps that will be the post about BMI (sigh) and weight.
2) Marathons... 2 completed by this FG, and proud of it! I'm not in the front, i'm not in the rear.. i'm a mid packer. It's a fun place to be.
3) The copier guy. Too much to go into now, but it will be worth the wait
4) Occupational hazards - I'm a nurse and funny things happen to nurses. Well and some gross ones too, you'll see.
5) Random thoughts. Oh Lord I have a few!